
Quinn Connor



About Me

"The most important skills I have learned in Science Research: Public speaking and time management"

Microplastics: Effects on wildlife and possible solutions

Mentor: N/A

Currently I am studying the effects microplastics have on various animals, along with ways to rid the planet of these plastics. Microplastics are plastic particles that are less than five millimeters in diameter and are found in water sources, soil, and air worldwide. They form from the environmental degradation of larger plastic, such as grocery bags, water bottles, and even clothing. Since plastic is not biodegradable, it can not be broken down, these plastic particles are rapidly accumulating in the environment. In fact, the average human consumes the weight of a credit card worth of plastic each week. Not only are the plastics present in large amounts, they are also dangerous. While effects on humans are mainly unknown, the plastics are able to attract and serve as a surface for dangerous toxins and chemicals to adhere to. Once consumed, many marine species have experienced damage to organs along with a decreased predatory efficiency. The sizable concerns brought by the negative impact on organisms, along with no large-scale solution for removing the plastic, demonstrate the urgency for microplastic studies in the future.