
Science Research @Nyack

Science Research Symposium 2020

Introduction by Sci-Res Co-President Aya Habbas

A Message from Mr. Teasdale, Assistant Principal & Chair of the IRB

Click here to join the live webinar (starts at 6:30)


About The Program

"Science Research is a three year college course run through the University of Albany. Students in this course pursue their scientific interests through professional level research. This can be anything from studying psychology to carbon nanotubes. Students also find a well-established mentor in their field to guide them through the research they decide to pursue."

The annual symposium give students from all grades the opportunity to present the research they've conducted in their field of choice. Sophomores and Juniors will present their posters based on preliminary background research, while Seniors give poster and slides presentations on their completed projects. Afterwards you can ask every student any questions you have about their research. We'll be available until 8:30 to answer them!

More Information